Tag: participation
A focus on Rome, Barcelona and Berlin to facilitate the involvement of the most vulnerable communities and their social and
Digital technology to involve younger audiences, migrants and communities with difficulties in accessing artistic and cultural heritage.
To preserve and transmit, through arts and culture, birth and maternity traditional knowledge and practices as part of European intangible
Contemporary visual art as a shared language to reflect on the colonial past and its impact on the creation of
The Mercati di Traiano renews the relationship with communities, broadens the experience of the public, explores new possibilities for interpreting
MEMEX employs digital technology to engage communities at risk of exclusion from European cultural and social life.
Through artistic languages, Green Routes encourages mechanisms for the re-appropriation of the environment by local communities.
A study of audience development policies collecting paradigmatic experiences in Europe.
A cooperation project on live video performances, involving 13 festivals in Europe.
Research and training activities on the principles of the sharing economy applied to the cultural system.
The cultural participation of migrants is connected to the improvement of the capacities of local cultural institutions to manage cultural
The promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue through the analysis of gender policies in the European cultural sector.
Training course dedicated to museum mediators/educators: communication, management of heritage education and training activities addressed to the public.
A project for sharing best practices to involve socially and economically marginalized groups in informal learning programs.
A network of professionals in the museum education sector to promote museums as tools for lifelong education.
New learning opportunities for adult museum audiences, with particular attention to disadvantaged people.