|2012-2014| Training course dedicated to museum mediators/educators, to share guidelines for communication and management of heritage education and training activities that museums address to the public.
The role of cultural mediators, especially in museums, is crucial due to the importance that the cultural sector in general and museums in particular have in defining European identity.
MUSEUM MEDIATORS responds to the need to develop and share guidelines for professionals working in the field of mediation and museum education, with particular reference to operators working in the project partner countries: Portugal, Italy, Spain, Finland and Estonia.
The training course, in English, analyses training needs, different national contexts and sets the goal of creating a European thinktank of educators and museum mediators. Structured in six modules, it addresses the issue of the social and intercultural value of museums, identifies the new challenges that cultural institutions receive from society; explores the theories of teaching and learning used in museum mediation.
The project is funded by the European Lifelong Learning Program – Leonardo da Vinci and co-funded by Roma Capitale, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali.
To learn more, visit the website.
Lifelong Learning Programme
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