|2019–2020| With Live museum, Live change, the Mercati di Traiano renews the relationship with communities, broadens the experience of the public and explores new possibilities for interpreting heritage.

Live Museum, Live Change is a project for the Mercati di Traiano in Rome, funded by the POR FESR Atelier Arte Bellezza Cultura (ABC) call of the Lazio Region. The sequence of interventions – digital storytelling workshops, artists’ ateliers, playwrights’ and designers’ workshops – is designed to dialogue with the historical and cultural stratification of the monumental complex and to strengthen the relationship with the community. Artists, students, playwrights and designers offer multiple and open narratives of the Markets, which become a place for artistic creation and contamination of languages, an inclusive space and an arena for new relationships with the city and its public.
With the Ateliers, the artists contribute to enriching the readings and the possibilities of relating to the Mercati di Traiano, exploring different interpretative and narrative possibilities to broaden the experience of the museum’s audiences and to multiply the opportunities for discovery and encounter. An experiment that reflects the post-modern idea of museum, seen as a place in transformation, a space of construction of knowledge, interpretations and uses of heritage.
Among the artists involved: Raffaele Fiorella, Iginio De Luca, Sonia Andresano, Claudio Beorchia, Gaia Bellini, Fabio Pennacchia, Corrado Chiatti and Mattia Pellegrini with the Nontantoprecisi.
The Ateliers of playwrights welcome authors from the international scene – already part of Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe – Beyond Borders? Project – called to build new visions dedicated to past and present experiences and to the transformation of the Mercati di Traiano, including the Bartolini / Baronio company; Francesca Garolla; Muhammet Ali Bas.
The Ateliers of designers selected by Live Museum, Live Change lead to the creation of small objects inspired by heritage: ruins, artifacts and fragments of the monumental complex represent an opportunity to create a dialogue with this space, which once again becomes a place of inspiration, reflection and creation.
Among the designers involved are Maria Diana and Manufatto.
The Digital Storytelling Workshops involve students from three secondary schools in Rome – the Liceo Classico Dante Alighieri, the Liceo Classico Terenzio Mamiani and the IISS Roberto Rossellini – and aim to facilitate the link with new audiences. Designed to activate new ways of relating, digital storytelling gives life to new stories and interpretations of Mercati di Traiano and is an opportunity for young people to be protagonists and to explore heritage and have a dialogical cultural exchange.
The monumental complex welcomes the new generations with training workshops, enhancing their ability to produce culture and create community: the designers of Live Museum, Live Change share stories, experiences and creative processes with the students of the FabLab SAPeri & Co of La Sapienza University of Rome; a live drawing workshop is dedicated to the students of the IED Rome Illustration and Animation Course; the students of the Terenzio Mamiani Liceo Classico Statale are also involved in a workshop on the sound geography of the monument.

Regione Lazio


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Gruppo di lavoro

Maria Francesca Guida

Project Manager

Elisabetta Falchetti
Gianluca Petrillo
Roberta Zanardo
Giulia Carcani
Matteo Angius

Partner di progetto




The videos of the artist's ateliers
Artist's atelier, the interviews
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