|2021-2022| A series of collective works to allow underrepresented communities to be involved and participate in the debate of EU’S cultural future within the Conference on the Future of Europe’s platform.
AMPLIFY – Make the Future of Europe Yours is a project working across 12 European countries that brings underrepresented voices in the cultural sector to the Conference on the Future of Europe. Amplify’s main goal is to gather ideas, proposals, recommendations, and concerns about the vision of culture in the future of Europe. Through local working sessions, participants will collaborate in groups to write a set of recommendations to be submitted to EU decision-makers focusing on ideas, hopes, and demands for the vision of the Future of Europe. The recommendations prepared by all of the 12 countries will be presented during the Conference on the Future of Europe, an initiative coordinated by European Institutions (European Parliament, European Commission and European Council) to offer an open, inclusive, and democratic forum for pan-European, citizen-led series of debates about crucial issues that shape Europe’s future. Such issues include Europe’s economic and social system, culture, education, climate protection, and the EU core values. The goal is to receive proposals from people across Europe in order to collectively imagine a shared future. The project is structured into four main parts that rely on collaboration and energy at the community level. Connect: Identify organisations, projects, and/or individuals in the cultural sector who are working to create access and inclusion within underrepresented and/or marginalised communities across Europe Plan: Meet in groups to collaboratively write recommendations to be submitted on the Conference on the Future of Europe platform. Mobilise: Start sharing and customising the campaign locally for the Future of Europe and get people interested in sharing their ideas for the Conference. Amplify: In Spring 2022, meet for a live Hackathon event that reacts to the conclusions of the Conference and advocates for key focuses for the future of Europe. Amplify is led by Culture Action Europe and involves ECCOM for Italy along with 11 European partners who will share the task of mapping socially fragile and underrepresented communities in order to convey their visions and voices on the future of Europe.
For more information, see the website here.
Culture Action Europe
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