On July 16, 2020, the Trajan’s Markets welcome the artists of Live Museum, Live Change for the last time. With the atelier IV S·· L’unico difetto è la mia assenza, Claudio Beorchia has collected the comments that visitors leave on the web to discover the sign that the Museum leaves in those who cross its […]
On July 2, the Trajan’s Markets reopen their doors to the ‘Live Museum, Live Change‘ artist’s ateliers. Access is by reservation only, in the two shifts of 16:30 and 17:30. The Trajan’s Markets welcome the public and come alive with new narratives and different visions developed by the artists involved in Live Museum Live Change.
On September 20, 2019, the Pecci Center for Contemporary Art in Prato inaugurated the exhibition Sguardi Cangianti, the final moment and the public restitution of the Caleidoscopio photographic laboratory, winner of the Prendi Parte! Agire e pensare creativo, to promote the cultural inclusion of young people in situation of economic and social marginalization. ECCOM conducted
Live Museum, Live Change, one of the winners of the ABC – Atelier Arte Bellezza Cultura of the Lazio Region, opens its doors to the public on June 5, 2019. The first interventions involved students from Roman high schools, who, through digital storytelling, were able to recount one of the most beautiful monuments in the