Live Museum, Live Change, one of the winners of the ABC – Atelier Arte Bellezza Cultura of the Lazio Region, opens its doors to the public on June 5, 2019.
The first interventions involved students from Roman high schools, who, through digital storytelling, were able to recount one of the most beautiful monuments in the world. The installation hosted in the Piccolo Emiciclo of the Markets aims to experiment with new narrative and interpretative possibilities, made up of technological supports, visual and video walls, an interactive map with sound points, new dramaturgies and visions; a museum narrative mode where the digital activates renewed relationships with the place and its history.
With this project, the Museum becomes a porous, inclusive space, a living organism where life cycles, dialogues and relations between inside and outside are renewed, through the creation of a series of interventions to inhabit Trajan’s Markets, multiple narratives, new and open, entrusted to artists but also to new generations, starting with students.
Live Museum, Live Change proposes a path that sees in the contamination of languages and in the dialogue between different knowledge and forms of expression (narratives, contemporary art, design) the possibility of creating community. A place that opens up to new narratives and relationships between the Museum and the city, becoming a garden whose life cycle is in continuous transformation, evolution and diversity in its forms and conceptions, memories, interpretations, visions and cultures.
Live Museum, Live Change is a project curated by PAV, created in collaboration with ECCOM – Idee per la Cultura, MeltingPro and Visivalab.