Fabulamundi Effects – a European digital storytelling, a review of online events on European theatre and dramaturgy, takes place from September to December 2020. The heart of the event is the week from the 14thto the 20th of September.
In autumn 2020, Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe? will arrive to its fourth year of large-scale edition of Creative Europe. A conclusive event is therefore a must which, due to the health emergency, offers the possibility of experimenting to affirm the presence of theatre in a different way. The project partners, including ECCOM, reacted enthusiastically by exploiting the opportunities of the web and working on an online formula that provides for the dissemination of various types of content over three months. Starting from the belief that ensuring the plurality of languages, styles and representativeness of each cultural and productive context of the network has always been the main mission of Fabulamundi, we have come to the definition of a new extended, plural and heterogeneous programming.
From September to December 2020, Fabulamundi Effects – a European digital storytelling will offer a mix of digital and live events, connecting Europe with the multifaceted landscape of identities, languages and experiences that have been the body and the breath of the project since the beginning.
During the weeks of the festival, it will be possible to participate in three online workshops in English. Ellen McDougall, artistic director of the Gate Theatre in London, official partner of the network, will lead a workshop for directors, authors and playwrights dedicated to the adaptation of texts for the theatre. Romanian author Elise Wilk will focus on the mechanisms, themes and possibilities of writing for documentary theatre; and French author and director Gérard Watkins will discuss with authors and actors about the fundamental techniques of writing for the stage.